Monday, September 21, 2009

Has the federal government given up on the American people ? This question was posed to me by a close friend over the weekend. It seems that our government does not believe individuals in our society can take care of their needs. What other explanation can there be. Each year, more and more programs to fix societal problems are passed through the Congress. Your schools are not up to par, try this government solution. You are not getting paid what you are worth, here is a minimum wage law. You can't possibly think ahead to your retirement, we have a great pyramid scheme to take care of you in your old age. And now the biggest program of all is being proposed. You certainly can't take care of your health, try our new government health care plan.

Here is the problem. The government cannot run any of these programs that are "for your own good". Our schools have become worse, not better since the federal government has stepped in. People are not getting hired for jobs that would be available if the government didn't set an artificially high wage. Social Security is on the verge of collapse as well as Medicare. Is a government health care plan really what the American people desire ? It is time for the federal government to trust Americans to take care of themselves.

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