Monday, September 28, 2009

New information is coming out about the proposed Senate health care bill. The bill is set to put the true cost burden of this plan on the individual states. The way the bill currently reads, the bottom 25 % of income earners will be placed onto state Medicaid rolls. The states are already in financial trouble trying to fund the current Medicaid dollar demands. How will the states be able to fund this five fold increase in Medicaid eligible people ? The only answer is taxation of its citizens. Isn't it interesting how the current administration has hidden this fact from the general public ? All we hear from the White House is how we will all going to get better care for less money. Isn't it time for a true discussion of what this health care bill truly is ? A wealth redistribution scheme similar to welfare. Current citizens of these states will bear the burden through higher taxes. The individual states need to finally say no to unfunded federal government mandates.

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